Choosing a name for your Chihuahua is a big decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. After all, it’s not something you can easily change a few years down the road if you decide that you no longer like it. Dogs learn through repetition, and teaching your Chihuahua their name will require you to speak it dozens of times per day. This is why it’s important for owners to choose a meaningful and catchy name to which they can relate.
Don’t stress out if you haven’t picked a name for your Chihuahua yet, because we’ve compiled a list of the top 100 boy and girl Chihuahua names and naming tips below.
Top 100 Boy Chihuahua Names |
Top 100 Girl Chihuahua Names |
Aaron | Abby |
Ace | Alley |
A.J. | Angel |
Alex | Annie |
Ash | Athena |
Ashton | Babette |
Amos | Belle |
Atom | Bessie |
Astro | Bina |
Bailey | Bindy |
Bandit | Bitsy |
Benjamin | Blondie |
Bert | Boo Boo |
Benji | Buffy |
Biscuit | Butters |
Blake | Buttercup |
Boss | Candy |
Benny | Caramel |
Buzz | Casey |
Boo Boo | Cassy |
Bruno | CeCe |
Bruiser | Chanel |
Buttercup | Charlie |
Casper | Chloe |
Chip | Chiffon |
Chico | Christina |
Colt | Cinnamon |
Chief | Coco |
Cash | Chrissy |
Denny | Daisy |
Devil | Dakota |
Ernie | Elise |
Elvis | Elle |
Elroy | Emma |
Felix | Evelyn |
Filo | Farrah |
Fizz | Foxy |
Gizmo | Frankie |
Hero | Frenchie |
Ham | Genie |
Hugo | Gigi |
Handsome | Ginger |
Iggy | Giselle |
Ice | Goldilocks |
Jag | Gucci |
Jaden | Gumdrop |
Kenju | Havana |
King | Hermes |
Kong | Honey |
Kaine | Hope |
Lasher | Indigo |
Lad | Ivy |
Lucky | Jasmine |
Louie | Juliet |
Lion | Justice |
Max | Karma |
Mini | Lexi |
Mack | Lexus |
Might | Lilac |
Night | Lilly |
Ninja | Lola |
Nitro | Lolita |
Oppie | Lucy |
Oliver | Lulu |
Oscar | Mariachi |
Otis | Martini |
Peanut | Mary Jane |
Paw-Paw | Mercedes |
Popeye | Mocha |
Paine | Mona Lisa |
Pie-Boy | Monroe |
Prancer | Muffin |
Pup | Paris |
Quincy | Peaches |
Ranger | Peanut |
Ralph | Penelope |
Rover | Penny |
Rebel | Pinkie |
Ringo | Piper |
Rex | Polly |
Rhino | Princess |
Slasher | Queenie |
Socks | Rainbow |
Scooter | Sadie |
Stevie | Sienna |
Sesame | Simone |
Spots | Skittles |
Scooby | Stella |
Tiny | Sugar |
Tick | Sweet Pea |
Teenie | Tahiti |
Thor | Tequila |
Tackle | Tinkerbell |
Thrasher | Tippy |
Tom-Tom | Tulip |
Tango | Twinkie |
Woogie | Venti |
Waffle | Visa |
Zeb | Yasmine |
Ziggy | Zoey |
Names Based on Your Chihuahua’s Personality
Chihuahuas are well-known for their unique personality and characteristics. If you want to take full advantage of this, consider naming your Chihuahua something related to his or her personality. Doing so is the perfect way to let the world know just what type of dog they are.
If your Chihuahua has a funny or unique personality (which most of them do!), then you shouldn’t have a problem finding a name to suit them. For example, if your Chihuahua likes to pounce on their toys, you can name them “Tiger.”
Chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed in the world, but if you’ve ever owned one you know they don’t act like it. When faced against a dog two or even three times their size, they’ll show their teeth while holding their ground. If this sounds like your Chihuahua, you could name them something ferocious, such as “Bruiser” “Bowser” or “Rex.” The best part of naming your Chihuahua after their personality is the unique and personal touch it adds.
Big or Small Names
Even though the Chihuahua breed holds the title for the smallest dog breed, you can choose either small or large names for them. The reason this two-sided naming principle works so well with Chihuahuas is because of their large personality. Small names such as “Bitty, “Amos,” and “Tinkerbell,” “Mouse,” and “Twinkie” are just a couple of ideas that relate to their physical size. On the other hand, “Titan” or “Hulk” are two popular Chihuahua names that display their big personalities.
Boy or Girl Names
Many owners overlook the importance of choosing a name that “fits” the gender of their Chihuahua. Whether you have a boy or girl Chihuahua, you should take this into consideration when choosing their name. Naming a boy Chihuahua “Bambi” or “Jasmine” probably isn’t the best choice. Instead, go with a name that’s suited towards the male gender, such as “Baxter” or “Amos.”
Names Based on Color Coat
Chihuahua coats come in a near-endless variety of colors and markings. One popular naming method used by owners is to choose a name that’s based on their Chihuahua’s coat. If your Chihuahua is all black, “Midnight” would be a suitable name. A gray Chihuahua could be named “Smokey.” If your Chihuahua is all white, maybe “Snowflake” would be a good name for them. The possibilities are endless when it comes to naming your Chihuahua based on their coat.
Chihuahua Naming Tips
Many owners make the mistake of calling their Chihuahua by two or more different names. Once you think of a name for your Chihuahua, stick with it and only call them using the name you’ve chosen. Don’t go making up nicknames or variations either. Calling your Chihuahua multiple names will confuse them, so only use a single name.
In addition, you should also avoid names that sound familiar to any commands you’ve trained your Chihuahua with, as well as names of other family members in the house. You want your Chihuahua’s name to be unique and distinct so they’ll better recognize it when spoken.
What’s your favorite Chihuahua name? Let us know in the comments section below.
Milo Smith is my precious baby’s name. He is fiercely loyal to me, as I am to him. He weighs 6.5lbs and is a lovely deer head. He was born in July of 2014.
I named my pomchi “PHOEBE”. I just love her. She is now 8 months old. I got her at 6 weeks. Wouldn’t trade her for the world.
My first family dog once I was born, was a Chi and was named “Poncho”! He was smaller then a banana and a personality bigger then one! I know we had him for several years because I do remember him other then just the photos we had.
My current Chi (and only 2nd I’ve had) is “Rosalita Angelica Baby Bean”. She is a full blooded chihuhua and I got her when she was just 8 weeks old and newly weened. She was the best present I have ever received in my life and will be 19 years old in January. Her health is still pretty good but she has some hip problems. She is a cranky old lady, especially since my mother passed a year ago. “Rosie” as we call her, really got attached to my mother once I moved in to take care of her. Now she just wants to be left alone. She sleeps most of the time. I wish I could get to her to be more active and loving again. I want her to last a lot longer in years, but not if she is going to be in pain or feeling miserable. Her cousin passed away years ago. Their moms were sisters.
My mother’s Chi was only 14 and died several months ago. We believe she had a stroke. I think she died of a broken heart! They are a very Loyal, Protective and loving breed!
Just got my chi two week ago… he’s tan & his name is Major (like in the army) because it’s interchangeable, like it could be Major Payne(the movie) or Major cutie, Major sweet etc .
We named our latest rescue chihuahua “Precious” on the way home from her rescue because I looked down at her on my lap and I said, “You’re precious. Let’s name her Precious! So we did!
I just got my first chi. When I first saw him, it was heartbreaking. He was malnourished and had an infection in his eyes. Both eyes had gunk in them to the point he could barely open one eye, the left one. A friend and I took him to the vet on my birthday (10/14/20) and the vet said he had an ulcer behind his right eye, which I give him three different drops three times a day. I had to put him on a special diet. They clipped his nails. They gave him the royal treatment. I thought he was about 8-10 months, come to find out he is 2 y/o. So his birthday to me is 10/09/18 and mine was the day I took him to the vet. He only weighed about 2 lbs when I got him. Now he is between 3.5-4.5 lbs now. I named him Princeton (like Jamaica) because my friend that helped me get him is half Jamaican. His dad was Jamaican. I love my Chi. He is so loving and keeps me laughing. He is going to become an emotional dog for me. I have anxiety and depression real bad. He is a great part of my life now.
My 1st Chi passed away early this year she was up in age but lived a fantastic healthy loving family life. I was devastated when Bella passed 2wks ago my husbands uncle surprised me with a 3mth old puppy that looks just like My 1st one. Her name is Bella. I love her soo much!!!
I’m getting a chihuahua soon he is black with brown paws and eyebrows. What would be a great name??
Fiorello (LaGuardia) This was the name of New Yorks great mayor & means “Little Flower” mother named my IG before Fifi, Fiorello you can google him!
You could name him Midnight or Chocolate. If he is brown from the knees to the toes, you could name him Boots. If he is furry and cute, naming him Furrypaws could be cute. You can name him Pearl if he has black fur and shiny twinkling eyes. Or name him after your deceased relative to pay respect to them. In short, any name would be cute enough for your chi, as long as you like it (and it is not inappropriate or bad).
We recently have a male Chihuahua who has a white diamond on back of neck but dont know what to call him pleas help!
Pearl or Diamond would be great!
I have a 12 year old chi named Chico. He was supposed to be a teacup chihuahua but got bigger. Last year I rescued a chihuahua mix and named him Charlie. I am thinking about getting another in a year or so. Since both of mine have names starting with Ch I want to keep with that. I ‘m thinking of Chewy, Champ, or Chili for a boy and China, Cherish or Chaise for a girl.
Looking name for new pup. Black chihuahua, having hard time. My Little Rascal was easy to name .
I need a name for my 7 week old white she does have a faint brown spot in the middle of her back female chihuahua she’s aggressive and very smart, lovable, she definitely thinks she’s in charge
We just adopted a brother and sister. His name is Finn and she is Luna.
Named him Maní ,Spanish for peanut bc he is so small and shaped like a peanut
I have my 9 yo female Sadie who was a rescue from the humane society 4 years ago, now I’m getting a 1 1/2 yo female with some very unique markings, any ideas on a name for her?
I love it.
Lick is a good name for a female chihuahua, especially because they’re small dogs.
Hi I think Winston is a really good good name for a small dog it is cute and tough.
My chi is named Jordan after Jordan Knight (New Kids On The Block). Because my chi is so sweet. Yeah, like the new kid. lol.
My baby boy was Cocoa. Three months ago my mom and a friend had to take him to the vet to be put to sleep. He was 16 1/2 years old. He hurt his foot and hip a couple months before that and I think that he kept himself alive 4 me. So he wouldn’t see his momma sad. That was like 3 months agoAnd the heartbreak of not being with him is now unbearable. So I think I’m getting a new one next month. Though he doesn’t look the same as Cocoa, thought. Which upsets me but I know that my baby boy doesn’t want me to be Sad so I am actually doing this for him(his memory) Hope it works out!!!!
Don’t feel bad, I had to put my male dog.down. he was 15. {Taco} was his name. I am getting 2 more puppies and don’t no what to call them.
I do no that nothing would take my memories about taco. He was my little buddy and understood me no matter what. I no these puppies won’t change anything, but I will make them my new little buddies.
I am lost sir hour my dog so I will try it again. lol
I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. It’s a huge loss when you loose your fur baby as they become like our children. I hope you are doing ok and I hope you got a new chihuahua that is keeping you company and making you happy as chihuahuas do. The best of wishes to you and yours…
My 2 lb Chihuahua male is named
El Senor Mongo of Tucson. Mongo for short. He’s my heart. His daughter I call Cinnabon. Senorita Cinnabon.
I’m looking to buying my 4th chihuahua puppy. My dad bought me my first chihuahua a Black female when I was 5 years old. Chi Chi lived 10 years .then after I got married we bought a black female chihuahua named CheeWhee who lived 17 and a half years. Then we got our 3rd black female chihuahua who my daughter named Chicho. Chicho just passed away at 13 years n 10 days. RIP my babies
I have a tan female teacup chihuahua and pom mix having a hard time comin up with a name she looks more like a chihuahua then anything can some one help I’d like to have something different and unique! Thanks!
I got a male after a week named him scooter because deworming didn’t work. Just watch her and something will come to you.
We homed a little fawn colored female Chihuahua some people call them tan she was roaming around and some apartment finally she got captured and seeing three weeks later had two adorable little pups 1 fawn colored and one brown
We had gotten our reindeer chihuahua italian greyhound mix in Jan. His name is Papi-Chulo hes a mess but abrealy good dog .love this little guy.
My older chi is named Boo Boo and my younger chi is named Squirt.
Awe cute names! I love it.
My dad use to have a Chihuahua named Taco.
He’s planning on getting another soon
I have a deer Chihuahua . his name is Tryme
My dogs now r mr. Weenie and Lillian Lilly for short. But in the past I had a dog named punished and one named d.o.g. all were Chihuahuas
My lol boy had the best name…I just recently lost him, but his name was…
Frankie d’Porkchop
Hi. I have a male chihuahua and I named him rio it actually really suits him. Thanks
My Chihuahua is having her first and only litter. Her color is fawn. Hoping for at least one female. The sire is also Chihuahua. He’s black and Brown. Possibly coco for new girl pup???
my dog’s name is coco she’s grey and white
Our beloved Peanut Butter passed away 3/8/18. My children and I are heartbroken!! We rescued a chihuahua and are thinking about naming him Lotus, short for Lotus flower, which means fresh start and new beginnings.
I recently adopted a sweet girl , and in honor of my son’s early childhood love of Pokémon, we named her Eevee, after one of the characters. It is the perfect name. It fits her and we know it would have been something my son would smile about. We lost our son 2 years ago. He was only 18.
She beautiful little girl chihuahua mixed with a tiny bit of Jack Russell. She is chihuahua in all respects with a longer body length. She is white with large erect dark ears and patch of dark brown on her backside.
We are in love with her and it is the first joy we felt in so long.
What a blessing she is.
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your son. There are never any words that can be spoken that can salve the pain parents feel. I can’t even imagine.
I do want to thank you for your story. I was looking for a name for a new adoption from our local animal and the name Eevee is PERFECT and my partner loves it….espically the Pokemon spelling! She is a 5.4lbs, dark chocolate, 1 year old Chihuahua we adopted for my partner, who’s 12 year old Chihuahua slipped out past him on 7/04/19 (he didn’t see her, she’s only 6lbs).
It was several hours later he noticed her missing (I’m neurotic, have to know where they are at all times). We talked to our neighbor and he saw a mom and two kids trap and take her. We are still trying to find her as there’s been sightings in the area but he misses his baby girl very badly. So I felt it was time he adopted another little dog to help with his PTSD therapy and if we find Chica, Eevee and Chica will have to become best friends. Thanks again.
Hello Tamera I am so sorry for the lose of your beloved son I too lost my son 34yrs old Timothy gave me a chihuahua he found running the streets. I grew to adore this chihuahua I named Chica This year 2021 at 17 yrs Chica past away She was my world I bought a puppy chihuahua two mo later Mia She reminds me of Precious Chica sometimes A pet can bring us needed comfort and strengthen our hearts. Take your pet with you as often as you can They will forever give unconditional love and fill your heart Blessings to you
I’m so sorry to hear about your losses. I hope your life is blessed and happy.
I have Lola ( Lolita Esperanza) and thinking of getting a little boy and calling him Rico ( Lola was a showgirl…and Rico wore a diamond lol) or Chico, Pablo, Paco….something Spanish themed anyway x
We lost our girl, Lola, about 2 months ago. Didn’t think I’d be ready for another dog so soon, but, we found one that I can’t not get! Her name will be Minnie…!
I have a chihuahua named Lola
she is a 4 pound deer head chihuahua she is just the sweetest.
I have a 8 year old tan semi long hair chihuahua, we named him Perry! I just got another male, rescue Chi who I’m guessing is maybe 2 or 3 yrs old. Just got him today and I’m trying to find a good name for him. I do not know what his prior name was so I’m now with the fun yet challenging job to find him a name that suits the lil guy!
I had my beautiful girl, short black haired, mixed 60%Chihuahua & 40%HotDog for 16 years and 8 months . She was a multiple personality girl, from the start of a few months old. But she only had one name. Funny part of it, my oldest of three children cane home from school (4grade at the time, and she runs in the house, grab our black plastic container and a few pencils. (mom,dad &3kids and my older sister) all agreed, we each would put the name we liked best in a hat and after we read off all the names together , we’d work on a fair, agreed upon, maybe combo name and respect it, no changing it later. Where is gets funny is… Choices were , me = “HAPPINESS”, my sister= “Joyful”, middle-child(son) = “Mine”, my young girl = “Chica” , my husband play smart as far as the kids go, = he left the paper completely blank, and my excited oldest (girl) = “Happiest” … The answer *HAPPINESS* because she would play with each f us differently and brought *Happiness* to all of us! Her whole life, she was a happy pleaser girl! RIP Sweetheart
Mia is my dogs name. She is a rescue from California. I do think she picked me, She is my service dog and a love
Need help finding a name for my jack Russell Chihuahua mix. She’s the runt and has a little white on one ear. Both ears stick out all the time.
Mine is Munchkin he was so small the runt when my husband brought him home my daughter took one look and said Munchkin
We had one his ears stuck out all the time and we named him airplane.
Just got a tiny female chihuahua and I think I’ll call her pipsqueak but call her Pippi. She’s adorable! I have another chihuahua female named Molly. She’s the leader if the pack so having to be careful with Pippi until adjusted.
I love that name pipi that’s just too cute and not real common! Great job!
My 17 male was little rascal.he passed in april
I’m so sorry for your loss
Im naming my female teacup chihuahua bell but in Spanish it’s called Campanita I love her so much!!!!!!!!
i really love the name moonlight moonbeem starlight and star also icy
Well, am I the only one who names ALL of their pets different types of food…..all 20??? Anyways i still love them
ive named my new Girl Pixie,,, so now i have Pixie,Brax and Bubbles and Coco
Snap, crackle and pop after the little sods got into the box of breakfast cereal I had just bought from shops the day I got them home while packing the shopping away I put the box of cereal on the kitchen floor to open the cupboard to put the tins away first before the breakfast items
My family and I have a rescue chihuahua mix. Her name is Baby. I was looking on the list to see if it was on here and I wasn’t. It should be! I also have two fish named Lulu and Geo
My first rescue was Cheech a stray running down the street so I impounded him. Rockie was turned in to the shelter at 9 months old and 15 years later we are still a team. Perk of being an animal control officer.
I have a Charlie and i love my boy to death.
I DON’T like Mini for a male dog.
Ours is called Alvin we our new pup is called beau
my last one was little man he loved his name. had to put him down. just last week got a long red hair her name is foxy girl to day at work a guy brought in a 3 pound boy hes 4 with the name pip but not feeling it in time hell get a new name
I have a Lil Man, long hair chi. Sweet but a tattle tell when the girls don’t share. My girls are Fiona, Daisy and Sissy. All rescued.
Our 15 yr. old chihuahua was put to rest on Sept. 18th. It was a terrible experience but finally getting over the pain by remembering all the beautiful memories and joy he brought us. He was such a happy little guy, his name was Fernando. Thinking about getting Another male.. Bruno, Louie or Feivel are at the top of our list.
That’s my birth date and same day I got my 3 rescues Snap, Crackle and Pop
Our first was Poncho— next was Sisco and next Taz short forTazmanian devil a 2.5 weight than Chico and now Hiondo a period of 49 years.Taz I was told would only live a year because of half of skull and a bad of over bite but kept him alive 15 years and 500 mouth to mouth to keep from choking. Hondo not Hiondo look above.