Health and Nutrition

Foods your Chihuahua shouldn't eat

Foods Your Chihuahua Shouldn’t Eat

Just because we can eat a particular food doesn’t mean that a Chihuahua can. Many common foods that are perfectly safe for us to consume can cause severe illness in a Chihuahua. We’ve all heard that chocolate is toxic to dogs, but you might be surprised to learn what other foods are on the list. […]

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Chihuahua Microchipped

Pros and Cons of Microchipping Your Chihuahuas

Canine microchipping has become more and more popular in recent years with roughly 10 million dogs receiving the implant. If you own a Chihuahua, chances are you’ve at least considered microchipping them before. However, any smart and caring owner should weigh the advantages and disadvantages associated with this procedure before jumping into it. The fact […]

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