Health and Nutrition

Thumbnail of a Chihuahua facing off against a hawk

Protecting Your Chihuahua From Hawks

It’s every Chihuahua owner’s worst nightmare: You open the back door so that your four-legged companion can go potty, only for a hawk to swoop down and attack him. With their dagger-sharp talons, hawks can deal some serious damage, potentially maiming or killing your Chihuahua. You can still let your Chihuahua outside, but you should […]

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Thumbnail of a small white Chihuahua puppy with hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia in Chihuahuas: The Definitive Guide

If you own or are planning to own a Chihuahua, you should familiarize yourself with hypoglycemia. All dogs can suffer from it. Hypoglycemia, however, is particularly common in toy breeds. Chihuahuas and other toy breeds may struggle to regulate their blood sugar levels, resulting in a potentially fatal condition known as hypoglycemia. What Is Hypoglycemia? […]

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Small Chihuahua puppy with the a banner saying "What Is Hydrocephalus in Chihuahuas?" thumbnail

Hydrocephalus in Chihuahuas: Everything You Need to Know

Chihuahuas may have one of the longest lifespans of all dog breeds, but they can still suffer from various health problems, including hydrocephalus. Known colloquially as “water on the brain,” it’s a serious medical condition involving the central nervous system. Many Chihuahuas are born with hydrocephalus, whereas others develop it later in life. Here’s everything […]

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Collapsed Trachea in Chihuahuas: The Complete Guide

Does your Chihuahua experience episodes in which he coughs or gasps for air? He may be suffering from a collapsed trachea. As a brachycephalic breed, Chihuahuas are susceptible to various respiratory conditions. Fortunately, most instances of persistent coughing are harmless. Wheezing or “reverse sneezing,” for instance, is characterized by spasms of the soft palate. When […]

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Black Chihuahua waving his paw in the air

Why Do Chihuahuas Lick Their Paws?

Chihuahuas exhibit some peculiar behaviors that can both entertain and perplex their owners. One such behavior is paw-licking. Some Chihuahuas only do it during the mornings or evenings, whereas others do it throughout the day. Whether you own a deer-head or apple-head Chihuahua, you may notice him licking his paws. By understanding why Chihuahuas lick […]

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Chihuahua molera soft spot

What is a Molera or ‘Soft Spot’ in Chihuahuas?

If you rub your Chihuahua’s head and feel an opening in his skull, try not to panic. Known as a molera or “soft spot,” it’s a common anatomical feature with the breed. Research shows that approximately 80% to 90% of all Chihuahuas are born with a molera. It was once even considered a mark of […]

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Chihuahua vaccine

Chihuahua Vaccine and Booster Shot Schedule

Vaccines greatly reduce the risk of many common and potentially fatal infectious diseases in Chihuahuas. Whether it’s a dog park, pet store, veterinary office, grooming salon, or even your own backyard, disease-causing germs are lurking everywhere. If your Chihuahua hasn’t been vaccinated or kept up to date on his vaccines, he could catch rabies, canine […]

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Chihuahua Tear Stains

Chihuahua Tear Stains: Causes, Prevention and Treatment

Have you noticed dark-colored tear stains under your Chihuahua’s eyes? Tear staining is a condition that’s characterized by dark reddish-brown stains under the eyes. When a Chihuahua produces tears, those tears may drip below his eyes, creating these distinct stains on his fur. Some owners disregard tear stains as being nothing more than an “aesthetic” […]

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How To Identify and Treat Ear Infections In Chihuahuas

An ear infection can make a Chihuahua’s life miserable. You might notice your Chihuahua aggressively shaking their head like there’s water stuck in their ear, or they may scratch the affected ear until it’s raw. It’s disheartening for owners to see their beloved canine companion in a state of such distress, but thankfully this is […]

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Healthy adult Chihuahuas live an average of 15 to 20 years.

Chihuahua Lifespan: Average Life Expectancy of The Chihuahua

As with any breed, a Chihuahua’s lifespan varies depending on a number of different factors (see below for a complete list). Some of these factors are controllable, whereas others are outside of owners’ control. Owners should familiarize themselves with these factors so they give their Chihuahua the longest, fullest life possible. There’s no fool-proof method for predicting […]

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